Thursday, December 18, 2008

Jump Castles and Jesus

Today we had a Happy Birthday Jesus Party at Romies School. This morning when I was asking Roman about Christmas etc. he asked me "is there going to be a Jump Castle at Christmas because its Jesus Birthday/" hmmmmmmmmm. Kids are so cute. After that we went to Jen and Emmas to bake and hang out for a while. It was nice to catch up and the kids enjoyed playing together. Roman made me a BEAUTIFUL reindeer necklace I tried to caapture unsuccesfuly in the black and white photo. he was so proud!

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Sri Lanka Medical Missions 2012 said...

Roman and Jude are so blessed to have you for their mommy. You all have so much fun.

The LaBouffs said...

Tell Roman to come to our house on Christmas for Jesus' birthday party...Noah and Kendall are getting a jump castle for Christmas (thanks to Grammy):)