Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jude busting a move or two

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Sandy said...

that is SOOOO funny Lindsay. I'm not sure what if funnier, his dancing, he is 1/2 naked, or that it looks like there is a beer on the exercise machine. All of it made me lauch for some reason. Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to hear what ya'll are having. Did you ever figure out the heart racing thing? Im sure that was freaky. Hope the rest of it is smooth sailing.

Lindsay said...

so glad you got a good laugh! that is totally a beer on the elliptical!Andrew walked in and placed it there..I thought it was an ironic but convenient location to hold his beer :) Th Dr. said it was probably just some weird transitional heart rate thing and it shouldnt happen again but if it does I will need to get it looked at.hope you guys are well!