Monday, January 24, 2011

Preggo Progress-20 Weeks

So, here we are..half way through our forth pregnancy! Where has the time gone? We are having our ultrasound at musc on Friday.The anticipation is even different this time..not counting the days to find out the sex of our baby. I just really dont care to know at this point. I think it will be so fun to wait until we meet him or her. I am excited to see how the baby is doing and to get some good 4d pictures.

Andrew and Roman have both felt the baby move in the last week! Last night Jude asked if the baby was kicking adn I said ,no. He asked if the baby was hungry, and I said, no. Then he asked if he could go inside my tummy too, so cute!

This pregnancy has been a little different in a few ways. The baby's heart rate is around 160 where my other babes where in the 140-150 range. I have had more headaches and nausea. I have been less hungry and just eating because I have to. With my others i always wanted to eat- pizza, fries, carbs etc. I have been eating alot of salad and drinking alot of lemonade.

I have had a rough week. I thought I was fighting allergies from cleaning our house for sale but its getting worse and now I am miserable and Dr. has prescribed me antibiotics. yesterday was a busy day and I had alot of cramping and rested all afternoon and was passed out asleep by 8. Then this morning I was walking around fixing breakfast, picking up, and all of a sudden my heartrate shot up to over 200bmp. As an active workout enthusiast in my hardest workout I have gotten up to 190...and did not feel like my heart was about to explode out of my chest. This was scary and stayed that way while I was lying down for about 5 minutes. Waiting on the Dr. to see if shes concerned or if its just pregnancy blood volume deal.

It def is a busy season of potty training, homeschooling, selling a house, taxes, babies, baking a baby, and ministry. We are excited about 2011 and cant wait to meet this little person!

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