Monday, June 22, 2009

Your love sets me free...

Change of Plans: Looks like we may be here all week.Trying to schedule a procedure for wednesday which will require alot of prep tomorow.This is because of the bloody diapers last night and the continued diahrea today. This is an endoscopy/colonoscopy where they will have to sedate Jude with general anesthesia. I have such mixed emotions. I am SO ready for concrete answers to know whats wrong with my baby but they wait to do this procedure until they feel it absolutley neccessary because they dont like putting babies under.

But I guess this is all subject to change too.ha! Feeling a little bummed right now although I am cherishing this time with Jude. Just me and him when there are no docs/nurses coming in..He has learned to sign "help" and he stands at the crib in his window and smiles and waves to everyone that walks by! He is just the cutest and my heart is filled with love for him more than ever before. I have also been learning so much in my bible study and through these circumstances. I will share more with you later I am sure. I am so blessed to serve and love a God that never changes...that His promises are the same today as they were yesterday. That as that worship song says "when the world has broken me down...YOUR love sets me free."

I love the thought of all of you praying and someone posted on Andrews wall the other day "back to my knees I go." I cherish that other people are on their knees for my son.I know God is answering our prayers.

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The Gotbeters said...

Oh linday! What a beautiful post! I love your faith- it is amazing to think of all the ppl praying for jude and ur family! Love u!

The Tylers said...

My heart is breaking for you guys. One day after Thomas came home from the hospital, he had to be readmitted to Trident because of his jaundice levels. We were only there for a few extra days but the doctors were extremely worried that his high levels were going to cause brain damage because despite lights & IVs, his levels were still rising. I remember Jamie and I sitting in that room feeling completely helpless & ready for God to take over...ready for the doctors to do what they needed to do...ready for a miracle. We were on our knees. I am so sorry that your family is going through this because it is such an emotional rollercoaster. Whatever you need, let us know. I know you have a ton of friends & family but remember there are people around that can do all those little things so that your family can be with you. We are praying for answers & wisdom for the doctors.